Epworth United Methodist Church



A Reconciling Congregation in Portland, Oregon 

 LGBT Welcome

1333 SE 28th Ave

Portland, OR 97214

Our response to the violence against Asians

We are Epworth United Methodist Church of Portland, Oregon.  As a social justice focused congregation, we seek to live out the example of Jesus Christ through our words and action.  Our calling is to challenge systems of oppression by lifting up and amplifying the voices of the oppressed.  To that end we oppose and fight all forms of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism.  Join us for the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of all and a guiding light during difficult times.


Rooted in Christ’s love, our diverse community founded by Japanese immigrants welcomes and celebrates seekers from all walks of life: all races, all ethnicities, all sexual orientations, all gender identities or expressions, all ages, all income levels, and all abilities, exceptionalities or intersections that make you uniquely you.




We have recently started our services back in person as well as Zoom and pioneering a hybrid approach.  If you are not already on our mailing list, please sign up to get the Zoom link to attend service.   If you attend the service in person please were a mask.

Service is from 9:30 am to 10:30 am on Sundays.

コロナ禍が続いていますので、礼拝はすべてオンライン(Zoom)で行っています。ご参加なさりたい方は、礼拝に出席できるようにZoom のリンクをお送りしますので、どうぞご連絡ください。


You can use the "Sign Up" button below, however, a faster way to reach us may be through the Church's Facebook Page.  I am trying to get better about checking the Sign-Up Form.